้ฦŽ› Senshoji

Study Course at Sado


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Study Course at Sado iAugust 23&24th, 2008j

@Senshoji Temple conducted a Study Course at Sado Island, visiting Daimoku Monument erected on May 21, 2008, on the same site as Tsukahara Site Monument which was built in 2007. We visited Tsukahara Site and Myogoji Temple, as well as Oidoan (the site of house of Nakaoki Nyudo), Myoshoji (the temple in connection with Nichiren Daishonin and Ichinosawa Nyudo), Sesonji (the temple in connection with Koh Nyudo) and Myosenji(the site of house of Abutsubo). During our overnight stay at Sado Island, we also held a study session which helped us foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Nichiren Daishonin's True Buddhism.


Tsukahara Site@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Tsukahara Site



Myoshoji Temple@@@@@@@@@@Myoshoji Temple



Sesonji Temple@@@@@@@@@@@@Myosenji Temple



Myosenji Temple@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Myosenji Temple